
Thursday, September 18, 2003

Day Three with Tommy 

Our limo and chauffer at a gas station out in the middle of nowhere.

Hitchhiking goats by the sie of the road to AkKol. Also had cows crossing today. And Jon did spot a Kazak herdsman on a horse.....talking on a cell phone ! What I would pay to have gotten a picture of that!

We gave Tommy a purple plastic suitcase with matchbox cars in it. Those cars became the main focus of his day. Machina!

Our travel partners, Geoff and Sarah Kemble with their two new daughters Anna and Nadia. It has been wonderful to share this experience with them.

BALL FIGHT !!! ...the children against the Mamas and the Papas..... It all ended when Nadia (6) said, "Enough, enough! What are you doing?!? You are SO BIG (with hand motions) and you're acting like little children!"

These Mamas are feeling pretty special. The children of Tommy and Nadia's group presented Sarah and Suzy with bouquets they had picked from the orphanage garden. These orphans are precious, loving children.


Da zaftra!

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